Our Mission

To provide active, experiential, culturally responsive, and transformative professional development opportunities that enhance and inspire learning about the natural world, bridge the opportunity and achievement gap, improve professional practice, and student achievement in order to create a better future for our evolving world.



"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better."

— Maya Angelou


Passion - Purpose - Path

Using the Practices of Science and Engineering, the vision put forth by the NGSS, and the Framework for K-12 Science Education, we strive to provide training that prepares educators for the changes ahead and scholars for a better future. By utilizing the practices, we can make better sense of the natural world and channel innate curiosities to connect science to scholar’s lives. When we engage scholars in the practices of science and engineering to understand the world around them, we set young scholars up to be passionate life-long learners with the skills and sense of purpose to solve problems and answer questions, and ultimately lead them on a path to be scientifically literate consumers in our ever changing world.